Soothing Lower Back Pain: Chiropractors’ Tips
It is true that we live in an age of ever increasing specialisation. In many ways we outsource responsibility for our own physical health. Over the last hundred years we have been encouraged to seek professional medical help whenever we encounter disease or physical debilitation in any way. We are not encouraged to take responsibility for our own health and healing. In my own experience, I have had very little reason to visit the doctor; I prefer to wait things out and see what happens. In most cases, illnesses if allowed run their course and the body heals itself. Of course, supportive behaviour in the form of vitamin C, lots of water and plenty of rest goes a long way to encouraging this self-healing. What about back pain?
Soothing Lower Back Pain: Chiropractors’ Tips
I was lucky, I suppose, because I was the son of a physiotherapist, my mother. She was able to give me some sound advice whenever I suffered from lower back pain in particular. One of her favourite tips was to lie on my stomach and gently lift one leg at a time. This seemed to strengthen the core muscles around the spine and, eventually, led to my back discs slipping back into place. Chiropractors, the new kids on the block, have a number of helpful tips for soothing lower back pain. Some of which are: getting a massage; doing some aerobic exercise and even meditation, as this is supposed to encourage the release of some painkilling endorphins. Lower back pain, is often, associated with money problems; because it is here that we deal with security issues on our physical bodies. If you feel that you are carrying the weight of the world and are struggling to meet your financial responsibilities you can breakdown. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that it is never as bad as you think it is; and that there are others in your life who can share the load with you.
A chiropractor in the Sydney CBD, also, recommended plenty of restorative sleep and exercising your core muscles. Your core muscles are those located around your centre; and it is an unfortunate reality that as we spend much of our daily life seated before computer screens that these do not get adequate workouts. So, rather than racing off to see your general practitioner, why not stop and spend some time looking after yourself to see if your body might be able to heal itself. This will save you money and in the long run will contribute to you getting to know yourself better. It is ironic, in my opinion, that so many of us have no idea who we are and how we really function. In fact, we may have specialised ourselves out of existence. Nobody will ever know you as well as you can come to know yourself. Listen to your body, rather than the incessant chatter inside your head; it will make a positive change in your life.